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Jack Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Scholarship

The goal of the scholarship is to keep Jack’s legacy alive. The founders and Jack’s wife Jeanine have a deep desire to promote the ideals he instilled in the hearts and minds of those he inspired in and out of his classroom.

Jack rice in hallway with student

At present, our mission is to award, at minimum, a $1000 scholarship annually to a graduating Mepham HS senior who intends to major in Education, Journalism, Theatre or the Humanities and who exhibits an admirable sense of social consciousness. As the fund grows and can sustain this goal in perpetuity, we may consider other worthy charitable endeavors in the same spirit of Jack Rice’s legacy.

(Watch the 2021 Award Video!)

You can help extend Jack's legacy by donating to the scholarship fund now!
Click the link below to go to our secure PayPal portal.


Jack Rice in front of class

The Jack Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to carry on the legacy of Jack Rice. Jack Rice was a High School English Teacher. Jack Rice taught in the Bellmore Merrick Central High School District. Jack Rice taught from the 70's through the 2000's. Jack Rice taught English. In His classroom Jack Rice used music, film and more to keep his students engaged. jack rice loved nyc. Jack Rice visited Central Park. Jack Rice took trips to greenwich Village. Jack Rice loved literature and movies.