The goal of the scholarship is to keep Jack’s legacy alive. The founders and Jack’s wife Jeanine have a deep desire to promote the ideals he instilled in the hearts and minds of those he inspired in and out of his classroom.
At present, our mission is to award, at minimum, a $1000 scholarship annually to a graduating Mepham HS senior who intends to major in Education, Journalism, Theatre or the Humanities and who exhibits an admirable sense of social consciousness. As the fund grows and can sustain this goal in perpetuity, we may consider other worthy charitable endeavors in the same spirit of Jack Rice’s legacy.
You can help extend Jack's legacy by donating to the scholarship fund now!
Click the link below to go to our secure PayPal portal.
Jack Rice taught in the Bellmore Merrick Central High School District from 1971 until 2003. His tenure spanned three decades of ever changing American culture, but never ceased to inspire students to a passion for what is real and meaningful in life.
Jack’s style was unorthodox, but authentic and relatable to his pupils even as he grew apart from them in age. In his classroom, he used music, film, and literature to convey his love of life and his care for the development of each individual student. Students learned, they understood, and they were moved by a person of indomitable spirit.
Within the pages of this site, you can learn a little more about Jack, find out how to apply for the scholarship, or help carry on Jack’s legacy through your financial support.
You can help extend Jack's legacy by donating to the scholarship fund now!
Click the link below to go to our secure PayPal portal.
Application Deadline March 28, 2025!
You can help extend Jack's legacy by donating to the scholarship fund now!
Click the link below to go to our secure PayPal portal.
You can help continue Jack’s legacy. Whether you had the pleasure of having Jack as a teacher or were acquainted with him in some other capacity, your recognition of Jack’s gift is probably what led you here. You now have the opportunity to pay it forward by contributing directly to the scholarship fund. Your donation is tax deductible and will help shape the next generation of young people.
There are many ways you can help. We would love it if you would make a one time donation. You can use the link below to send us a direct payment through PayPal. You do not need to be a PayPal member or have a PayPal account to donate through PayPal.
If you would prefer to send us a check, please make your check payable to:
Jack Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund
PO Box 272
Massapequa, NY 11758
If you would like to do a little bit more, please consider a recurring donation. The scholarship is awarded annually, a modest recurring donation each month can help out greatly over time. Just fill out the PayPal form to indicate the amount you would like to contribute each month. You can cancel the process at any time.
Finally, consider adding the Jack Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund to your estate planning and establish an endowment. Your commitment will be listed in our registry and you will be recognized in all our publications as a perpetual donor.
You can help extend Jack's legacy by donating to the scholarship fund now!
Click the link below to go to our secure PayPal portal.
Jack Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID# 85-3087606
Website Copyright © 2025, Jack Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund • PO Box 272, Massapequa, NY 11758
The Jack Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to carry on the legacy of Jack Rice. Jack Rice was a High School English Teacher. Jack Rice taught in the Bellmore Merrick Central High School District. Jack Rice taught from the 70's through the 2000's. Jack Rice taught English. In His classroom Jack Rice used music, film and more to keep his students engaged. jack rice loved nyc. Jack Rice visited Central Park. Jack Rice took trips to greenwich Village. Jack Rice loved literature and movies.